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IVF and Fertility Treatments

If you’ve been experiencing difficulty falling pregnant naturally, you’re not alone. One in six Australia couples have issues with infertility. What is more comforting, however, is that Dr Andrew Kan’s success rate in overcoming fertility issues is one of the highest in Sydney, and he also has the highest level of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility qualifications (CREI).

Starting with a natural approach

Dr Kan understands that many patients prefer the least invasive and most natural treatment options, and has great success in starting with this approach, especially in younger patients.

When you first meet with Dr Kan, he’ll begin with investigations to determine if there are any issues such as blocked tubes or sperm quality. At every stage you’ll be involved in the decisions regarding your treatment, because he knows how important it is to build trust and confidence in the journey ahead.

Fertility at different ages

If you are in your 20s or early 30s with unexplained infertility, he will then advise on specific techniques for conceiving naturally, including timing and adopting a healthy lifestyle. If regular ovulation is an issue, he will give oral medication (such as Clomid) to stimulate ovulation for six months, encouraging a natural pregnancy. If that is unsuccessful, injections or artificial insemination may be considered, as well as IVF and other advanced techniques.

Polycystic Ovulation Disorder (PCOS) is a fairly common issue, especially in his Asian patients, and Dr Kan is highly skilled in treating this with oral or injected medication. For older patients, including those in their early 40s, Dr Kan may still recommend a more natural approach – but fast-tracked to ensure no time is lost.

Find out more about IVF in over 40's

IVF in Australia

Australia has very high IVF success rates, despite having one of the lowest average number of embryo transfers. Thanks to the advanced technology and accessible funding available in Australia, more than one in 30 children born here are thanks to IVF treatment.

Please be aware it is illegal to choose an embryo based on its gender in Australia for social reasons. However, we can diagnose genetic or chromosomal disorders in embryos if that is a concern, to ensure the best possible chance of success.

“I chose to specialise in obstetrics because it’s the only medical professional that brings so much joy. However, I soon realised that things don’t always go as smoothly as you would like, and fertility treatment can help many more couples achieve that happiness.”

Success Stories

Mei and Xu Guan* tried IVF in China but were unsuccessful, Mei was a particularly difficult case, so Dr Kan transferred two embryos. Twins resulted. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart! We delivered twin babies on August 22. Both are healthy and so cute. You made our dream come true! We cannot thank you enough.”

* Names have been changed to protect patient privacy


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